Sunday, February 19, 2006

Stronger then yesterday

Britney is working out again...

Thank you Lord!


Anonymous said...

Your friend is supposed to be all rigid about grammar. Why don't you run this shit by her before it's right here for the world to see? But really, it's the content that is most bothersome. It's simply retarded.

Kettle Cooked said...

then don't read it...


Anonymous said...

No, no "as if!" I'm humiliated for you when I read this, which is probably part of the reason why I read it. You know, it's like a train wreck.

There's nothing clever about this blog. So you're gay - I get it. You like Madonna - I get it. Snoooooze!

Kettle Cooked said...

you are humilitating yourself by trying to create internet drama... I don't play kiddie games.. call me what you want... say what you need... but keep giving the site hits..

thanks lover

and until you want to leave a name this game is OVER

Anonymous said...

i cannot be humiliating myself if I am anonymous, can i? certainly not, sir. as for kiddie games, isn't that what this site is?

if you come up with one clever blog in the next three months, i will retract this. until then, the game is totally not over, because your participation is writing this crap.